Kibbutz Ulpan Ma'agan Michael

Next Ulpan Session Opening:
January 26th, 2025

Perfect beach location.
Perfect experience!

Located on the Mediterranean Sea coast between Haifa and Hadera, Maagan Michael offers stunning sunsets and a beautiful beach!

Kibbutz Ulpan Ma’agan Michael has been operating since 1958, and today over 25% of the members of Ma’agan Michael are Kibbutz Ulpan graduates. The Ulpan is a central part of the identity of Kibbutz Ma’agan Michael and is the biggest Kibbutz Ulpan, hosting 60 to 72 participants each session.

The kibbutz is located 65 kilometers north of Tel Aviv and 35 kilometers south of Haifa on the Mediterranean coast. Come see this highly attractive location!

Find out all the information you need here!

All rooms sleep three people. All rooms include a shower room and a small kitchen.

The participants are in charge of cleaning their own rooms. Once a month there’s a room check, so you’d better tidy up those beds! 😊

You will receive a monthly allowance for meals.

All other expenses are the responsibility of the participant.

The kibbutz supplies three meals each weekday (a value of 25 NIS per meal).

On weekends (Friday and Saturday), the kibbutz supplies two meals a day.

The allowance you receive is sufficient for all meals, but if you wish to purchase food at the local shop, you may do so at your own expense.

Ulpan classes take place Sunday through Thursday (Friday and Saturday are days off).

Some weeks, classes take place in the morning from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. while on other weeks they are in the afternoon between 13:00 p.m. and 17:10 p.m.

Work days are Sunday through Thursday. Friday is a work day every other week.

The different types of work available on Ma’agan Michael are: the communal kitchen, the manufacturing plants, gardening, child minding, the fish pools, packaging houseware, the animal farm, and more.

Ulpan studies are conducted according to Ministry of Education curriculum.

Your working/studying day will finish at 17:00 p.m. After that, it’s your spare time! You can then rest, do your homework,  hang out with your friends or join the different informal activities. These activities are mostly not compulsory, but they are highly recommended!

The weekend is your time to relax and explore! You can visit family or friends outside the kibbutz.

The local pub is the place to get together in the evenings! It’s near the housing area. Making social connections is all up to you. The friendly people you meet while working provide a great opportunity to make friends. 😊 The kibbutz also hosts cultural events and often celebrates the Jewish holidays together.

Kibbutz Ulpan across all the kibbutzim is the same price and costs $7,000 for the full five months. This cost includes: Ulpan classes, housing and meals (unless stated otherwise in “Meals”), and guided tours and activities operated by Kibbutz Ulpan.

As a Masa Israel-sponsored program, you may be eligible for a Masa grant that may cover up to 50% of the program tuition. Contact us to find out more!

Public Transportation: There’s a bus that runs from the kibbutz to the nearest train station in Binyamina (a 20-minute ride). There are also buses from the main highway just 2 kilometers from the kibbutz.

The kibbutz includes a pub, a swimming pool (in summer months), a basketball court, a soccer court, and a petting zoo.

And of course there’s the beach just a few minutes’ walk away!

If you are already in the process of making Aliyah please apply for this program here:  The Jewish Agency

Click the map to navigate to Kibbutz Ulpan Maagan Michael


IMPORTANT –  READ THIS BEFORE MESSAGING US!  Our organization is in charge only of the registration of tourists who want to participate in the program. Generally, our participants come to Israel as tourists, and if they are eligible, they can benefit from a Masa Israel Journey Grant/Scholarship, and significantly reduce the program cost. Once they have finished the program, they can begin their Aliyah process with a much better Hebrew level. If you have already made Aliyah or want to come to Israel as an Oleh/Olah, please visit The Jewish Agency for Israel directly.

Wish to find out more?
Leave your details here and we'll get back to you.​

Kibbutz Ulpan Program 
1 Hayasmin St
Ramat Efal (Ramat Gan), 5296000 Israel

Tel: +972-(0)532203984
Fax: +972-(0)3-6352961

The information brought to you here is subject to change. We may make changes from time to time to any of our services, fees, schedules etc’. We try our best to keep the website up to date but there might be discrepancies from time to time between the information brought to you here and between what you may find or experience in the Kibbutz. We reserve the right in our sole discretion to edit or remove any documents, information or other content appearing on our Website or Service.

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